Faith & The Journey...Stephcynie
Drop everything. Move. NOW!
The rhetorical “leap of faith” always involves a very real journey. It’s this journey that separates the normal from the exceptional…and is never for the faint of heart! It takes F A I T H!
Our very first #DreamGirl feature for 2016, the indomitable & dreamy Stephcynie!
I left the security of my parent's household at 17, transitioning from Houston, Texas to New York, NY. I had a very specific plan, New York for college, graduate and then move to Los Angeles. It was perfect! "Make it" in NY, then "Make it" in L.A! Success! Not really. Ha! I ended up staying in NYC for almost a decade!
I had been living in my new apartment (no room mates) for about 6 months and had begun my prayer time with God, when I heard, "it's time to move." Imagine how confused I was! I was just getting settled into this place and now it's time to move? I didn't argue, I just asked where, and I heard, "Nashville, TN." About a year after I heard that word, I packed up my things and left New York!
Moving to Nashville was bigger than leaving Houston for New York because I moved here only knowing one person! Taking that leap helped me discover things about myself I never knew. I discovered that I have a lot of courage and patience. I also discovered that I need to work on organizing my thoughts and plans! Since I didn't know anyone when I moved, I was for the first time ever, TRULY single. I've lived in Nashville for a little over 6 months and I have yet to go on a date. Being in this city has required me to be so focused on my musical vision, that I haven't had time to think about that scene. What's even more amazing is, I'm ok with that. I don't feel like I am missing out. This journey has given me so much material to write about! As long as I have been pursuing this dream, within 6 months I'm so much closer to where I want to be, all because I trusted the path God had for me, instead of the path I had for myself.
Contributed by Stephcynie Curry, Recording Artist, Writer, Worship Leader, Daughter, Sister and girl next door... #DreamGirl #DreamLife
For more on Stephcynie visit
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