Risk vs Reward. Now is the time to take the chance, stretch out & LEAP! We know that the very thought of the unknown is enough to paralyze...but then ask yourself, what if it works?
Today Lyndsay shares how she keeps a mustard seed worth of faith at the ready. Dream. Girl. Nuf said...
I don’t consider myself a #DreamGirl per se, rather a girl who decided to go after her dream!
I love sharing my testimony with women, young and old, to encourage and hopefully inspire someone to person to pursue their dreams, as it’s never too late. I stepped out on faith 5 years ago to move to the “jungle” and had no idea what to expect.
Here’s the story of my journey...
I was working as a news reporter in Tulsa, OK, and had the opportunity to travel to NYC for Fashion Week. Well, long story short, I made up in my mind that I was moving to NYC. So, after some shuffling around, contract negotiations, selling of furniture and all of the logistical challenges of moving, I packed two weeks worth of clothes and boarded a plane on NYE 2010 with mustard seed faith (and my family’s support, too!) No apartment, no job nor clue exactly what was going to happen or how, but I had faith. The only firm commitments in my plan were to start my new chapter in a new year and to work in media.
My sorority sister was gracious enough to let me sleep on her sofa while I got my footing and a grip on the city. (Quite the humbling experience to start over, after you’ve lived on your own since college, but at the end it worked out). I went on interviews, networked and landed a job within a month as a media consultant at a PR firm. Not exactly the dream job, but at the time, it’s what God said I needed. I worked there for 3 years, met some dynamic contacts in the beauty and media industries, all the while, shopping my news reel around.
Oh, and did I mention, too, that in that three year span, I met my supportive and super cool husband?! (Go God!) Had I not stepped foot on that airplane, I wouldn’t be Mrs. Christian today. I truly believe God used Brad as a vessel to encourage me to return to television, which leads me to the next achievement in the journey, for which I’m so grateful.
One news organization finally “bit,” I said goodbye to PR and hit the restart button on my television career. It was a sacrifice, learning how to work as a one-man band reporter (I’d worked with photogs at my other stations), but I’m back on-air learning daily through my experiences. And, now I’m getting opportunities to anchor...in the top news market (Hey God!) My heart still desires entertainment news and hosting, so I’m still pursuing that goal by contributing to street segments for “The Wendy Williams Show” and participating in other unique opportunities.
The journey isn't just limited to career or marriage. I've also developed an extensive extra-curricular resume which includes volunteering through my sorority, speaking at local high schools, emceeing events and dancing with a Harlem-based troupe. I've learned it's all about balance and keeping good friends close by to keep you grounded.
You just never know what will happen until you step out there..rather leap out there...on faith. I encourage you to take that leap. Go for what you really want, because tomorrow isn’t promised. I’m all for living for today, in the moment and encouraging others to do the same. I love planning, but sometimes, just going with the flow and dreaming big is just as fun, as long as you have that “seed” tucked away in your fabulous handbag.
Contributed by #DreamGirl Lyndsay Christian is a TV Personality, PR Consultant, AKA, Dancer, Wife, Daughter, Explorer and Woman of Faith! She's living her #DreamLife... Follow her at @LynzChristianTV
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